


Have an appreciation for surfboard shaping?
See your board being shaped live!

Come behind the scenes to watch Nuno Matta shaping your board in real time, on the end you can interact with him by asking questions about your board.

Please, for more info email us at :



Well done Jadson, for the qualification for the 2020 World Tour and WQS #1, after his semi final in Pantin.

J5 was a board under Jadson’s feet, it´s a collaboration between Nuno Matta and Ricardo Martins, they have worked together during many years.

MATTA J5 – the Jadson André Signature Model is available for ordering

It’s a full on high performance shape that performs as your stand out high performance shortboard – yet it can also be ordered just that little bit shorter and wider. It’s got a very versatile rocker that fits in any pocket and gives you the ability to not think about your next move, but just perform it. It’s built around spontaneous surfing like Jadson André.

• Standard outline;
• High performance rocker
• Single to double concave
• Tri fin
• Squash tail




A dream doesn’t become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.

Jadson is kind of surfer that always stands for, a great surfer with an incredible dedication and passion for surfing.

Jadson is used to last minute comebacks. This time, in Hawaii, he run for the qualification until the final moments, and picked up to set wave to won the heat. 
More than just a victory, he managed to reach the semifinal and rise to 10th position of the ranking.

The friendliest face around, Jadson will join the world’s best for eighth year on tour.

Well done, he deserves. Now Jadson is back where he belongs, the CT 2019.



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You´ll be able to build your board and check live everything you choose. Logo options, graphics, patches, system, technologies… and much more.

See the final result of your surfboard before ordering.






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Sierra Kerr Surfing with MATTA Surfboards

With only 10 years of age Sierra Kerr, daughter of the WCT surfer Josh Kerr, is probably the most talented girl both on surfing and skating.

Last October, during the last stop of the WCT event in Portugal, Sierra surfed with a MATTA surfboard – SMP model. Right after Portugal she was invited by Kelly Slater to test his new wave pool, where she surfed with the same MATTA surfboard. Now she’s in Hawaii, following her father on the Pipeline Masters and again she was surfing with the SMP. Incredible to watch how this same model fits all kind of surf conditions.

“I didn’t know Sierra personally and I was already a huge fan. It’s incredible to see the surfing skills of Sierra in such a young age. Finally I got to meet her and after shaping some boards to her father, Josh Kerr, I also shaped a surfboard for Sierra. I chose the SMP model because this model perfectly suits her surfing skills and it’s great to see that she liked it and that she’s using the same board everywhere she’s going.”, said the shaper Nuno Matta.


Josh Kerr, Jadson André, Travis Logie, Martin Potter and Sierra Kerr surfing with MATTA in the european leg

In October Europe receives the best surfers on the Planet. In between France and Portugal we know that we can find a professional surfer in the next corner and those surfers, and the crew that follow them, are creating more links with european companies year after year to get better prepared for the European leg.


Travis Logie, a former WCT surfer and the commissioner for the WSL, have a long relationship with MATTA, having is own model – the TLX – but he also tried some different models:

• TLX – 5’6’’ x 18.2’’ x 2.25’’ – 22,9L
• 2 x TLX – 5’6.5’’ x 18.2’’ x 2.25’’ – 23,0L
• 2 x TLX – 5’7’’ x 18.2’’ x 2.25’’ – 23,1L
• TLX – 5’9’’ x 18.2’’ x 2.25’’ – 24,0L


Martin Potter, a former world champion, that just started is own brand with Nuno Matta,  POTTZ Surfboards

• POTTZ TRI FIN – 5´11″ x 19″ x 2.56″ – 29,9L
• POTTZ TWIN FIN – 5´10″ x 19.50″ x 2.56″


MATTA factory had the pleasure to receive the WCT surfer Josh Kerr and his incredible daughter, Sierra Kerr, that with only 10 years of age is already a reference on the surfing and skateboard world. For this season Josh chose 6 surfboards

• MTM – 5’9’’ x 18.38’’ x 2.25’’ – 24,4L
• TTT – 5’9’’ x 18.38’’ x 2.25’’ – 25L
• TLX – 5’9’’ x 18.38’’ x 2.25’’ – 25,3L
• GRAVY – 5’11’’ x 18.38’’ x 2.25’’ – 25,4L
• 2 MATTA Secret Files – 5’9’’ x 18.38’’ x 2.25’’ with 24,8L and 24,2L

While is daughter took a SMP – 4’8’’ x 15.75’’ x 1.75’’ – 13,1L


Jadson André, also a WCT surfer, that already got 2 wins in Portugal on the Prime event of Cascais, and one of the wins he was also using a board shaped by Nuno Matta during the all contest. This year he knew the needed approach for Super Tubes pumping so he took:

• TLX – 5’9’’ x 18 1/4’’ x 2 1/4’’ – 24,5L
• TLX – 5’10’’ x 18 1/4’’ x 2 1/4’’ – 24,7L
• MATTA Secret Files – 5’9’’ x 18.31’’ x 2.31’’ – 24,5L



The shaper Nuno Matta launched a new project to continue to develop and upgrade the performance skills of his surfboards, Classified - Secret Files, it’s a secret program where innovations and new techniques are used to create new models from the knowledge and creativity of the shaper tested by the best surfers to get the final inputs. The final model just get public when the new shape fits all the needed requests from the surfers.

“With this new project I bring MATTA surfers for the leading role of the shaping process, I want them to get involved with the brand, bringing new inputs to the production line, and together we’ll better answer the present demand.”, said Nuno Matta.

For Justin Becret: “To improve our surfing we also need to improve and try different shapes to better match the different conditions we might get while competing. I’m looking forward to start with this new project where I’ll also be able to give the needed inputs to get the best shape. My new test model is just arriving, so let’s start with it.”

“The relationship with the shaper it’s crucial to get the best surfboard on my feet, with Nuno Matta the communication have always been easy and now I feel even more confident for being able to test and to give my feedback before the surfboard goes to the market.”, said Sam Piter.

At the moment MATTA counts with near 20 different models to better answer all kind of demands, but in the near future more models will be available with the quality label given by the committee, MATTA Team Riders, from this Classified Project.

Stay tuned, more news about the Classified - Secret Files by MATTA very soon.




MATTA Test Drive with more than 30 Surfboards during the Pro Junior Espinho

It’s all being set for an incredible Surfboard “tasting”. The Surfboard company, MATTA, will provide more than 30 Surfboards for Test Drives during the Pro Junior Espinho, from the 22nd until the 25th of June.

The Pro Junior Espinho is the third stop of the European Junior circuit. The fun peaky beach breaks of Espinho have delivered excellent conditions these past three years.

Besides the Surfboards Test Drive you can also watch Live Shaping with Nuno Matta on MATTA booth that will be set on the contest Surf Village.

On Friday, the 23rd of June, MATTA Team Riders will be at the brand booth for a Signing Session, right after the competition ends for the day, it will be a great opportunity to meet in person Justin Becret, Sam Piter, Joaquim Chaves, Gui Ribeiro, Diego Suarez, Melania Suarez, Martim Paulino and Manuel Teixeira.

“My goal is to present my brand the best way possible, providing more than 30 surfboards besides the fun of surfing different shapes, it will definitely help any surfer around to find a surfboard that will suit better his or her surfing performance. The public will also have the opportunity to watch live the technique of shaping a surfboard and we also thought that it will be important for the local surfers to get in contact with the best juniors from our team.”, said Nuno Matta.

Surfboards Test Drive, action with the best European junior surfers, Fest Film Surf, Live Shaping, Signing Session, all happening during the Espinho Surf Destination 2017.


SMARTech included on the Sustainable Surf


MATTA SMARTech surfboards included on the Sustainable Surf Program

Sustainable Surf is a non-profit charity organization based in California, founded by entrepreneurs Michael Stewart and Kevin Whilden, their mission is to be the catalyst that transforms surf culture into a powerful force for protecting the ocean playground.

MATTA is the new partner of the ECOBOARD project program, a project that helps the board riding community to build, buy and ride high-performance sustainable boards. A social transformation program, which educates and engages individuals about the environmental impacts of their lifestyle through the lens of their board. ECOBOARD project is focussed on reducing carbon footprints, increasing the use and reuse of renewable, recycled and recycled inputs, and reducing toxicity within the manufacturing process.

All the MATTA SMARTech surfboards will be marked with an “eco-label” from Sustainable Surf that guarantees that you are using an ECOBOARD.

For some time that Nuno Matta is focus in recycling projects in his factory. You can find all kind of waste on a surf factory. To have a new surfboard a track of waste is left behind, just need some creativity and environmental care to make use of those waste materials.

Besides the SMARTech ECOBOARDS, It’s already known the recycling program used by MATTA, by collecting waste EPS Foam to pack the boards and to turn it directly into a new surfboard blank.

There’s also the Upcycle Surfboard by MATTA for Vissla where Nuno built a surfboard from trash with plastic bottles, milk packs, cardboard box, EPS box, newspapers, trash fiber and resin from the rack. This recycled surfboard was finalist of the Vissla Creators Contest and the surfboard was exposed on the Prize Ceremony in California: MATTA for Vissla

As a member of the Sustainable Surf, MATTA aims to spread the word for the protection of the Oceans. So all MATTA surfboards with SMARTech construction have a Sustainable Surf ECOBOARD label that guarantee that the SMARTech surfboard follows an ecologic method approved by Sustainable Surf Organization.

MATTAfactory Recycling Projects


First you need to care then you need to act.

MATTA fins

MATTAfins developed by Creatures of Leisure

MATTAfins x Creatures

MATTAfins developed by Creatures of Leisure will be available in 2017.

Upcycle Surfboard by MATTAshapes

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Upcycle Surfboard by MATTAshapes for VISSLA

Vissla has partnered up with the Surfrider Foundation to challenge, the wave conscious, to take something that might be considered waste and create something that can be used in the ocean.

1. Plastic bottles
2. Milk packs
3. Cardboard box
4. EPS box
5. Newspapers
6. Trash Fiber
7. Resin from the rack

MATTAshapes Volume Calculator




MATTAshapes Volume Calculator

Now you can check all the VOLUMES of your boards. We have it available at , a tool where you can put the model and the measures you want and it will give you the exact volume of the board you have chosen.

What is Volume?The volume of your board is a measurement of the total amount of space that your board occupies. If your board was a perfect cube, then a simple length x width x height calculation would be all we’ll need. However, as your board is full of curves and concaves, the whole thing is a little more complicated. In the past, the only way of knowing, was to dunk your board in a bath, and see how much water was displaced and this is why we normally measure surfboard volume in Cubic Litres rather than Cubic Inches.

Why is Volume Important?Volume matters because it gives us a realistic idea of how big our boards are. Ever since the “Retro Revolution” of the early 2000’s, people have been riding an increasingly diverse range of surfboards, and now the standard 3 dimensions (length, width and thickness) don’t give us enough information to decide if a board will work for us or not, and you can shape 3 boards with the same dimensions, that look and surf very differently.

If you’re surfing in warm water and good waves, the lower end of the scale is recommended. If you’re surfing in poor conditions, looking for help in crowded situations, or wearing thick wetsuits, lean towards the higher end of the range that you fall into.
